Browsing "Small Business"

Making Video Conferencing Work For You
Turning to video chat has become somewhat common place to help cut costs on travel expenses, employee reimbursement expenses, job interviews, and collaboration efforts.

You Are the Expert
Give away your knowledge and market yourself as the expert! Your knowledge and experience within your industry is invaluable and by offering it to others you will increase your credibility in the eye of the consumer and your peers which in turn yields sales.

Mom and Pop CAN Go Virtual
For small business owners the thought of a website can be a daunting idea. Limited time, skills or budget is enough to turn many away, and can be the demise of existing sites. Today’s consumer turns to the internet before the phone book. Today’s consumer turns to the internet before the phone book.

Realizing 3D Potential for Your Business
3D animation can make anything look cutting edge and state of the art, which in turn will effectively capture the attention of viewers and introduce a novelty that is almost impossible to duplicate with live-shot video.

Branding Your Small Biz
Small businesses –in an effort to stay in the game or grow—are often left to tweak the image of their product or service in different situations so that meaningful messages are conveyed to potential customers at all times. This creates a tricky situation for branding consistency.

Top 6 Marketing Guidelines To Keep Your Small Business on the Road to Success
Every journey, you need a starting point to get to where you are going. Then you need an endpoint. The same premise applies to a small business. You need a good solid marketing plan to guide you on your road to success.

Doodle Takes the Headache Out of Scheduling
Do you have an awful time finding a time when all of your team members are available? Doodle is a quick and easy way to find the best time to meet, call, or conference!

Your Business and PPC Ads
Friday, May 18th 2012 marked the first day Facebook became a publicly traded entity. Opening at $42.025 per share; the [...]

Social Media Education: 21st century perks and 21st century risks
Twelve Oaks Group realizes that not every company is at extreme risk of sharing counter-intel information via Facebook or Twitter, but it is important to think about what kind of company information is being represented on the internet.

Inbox Efficiency: Gmail Tips & Tricks
Managing your inbox can be a daunting task to say the least, and at the end of the day, most of us resort to the search box. Efficiency is the name of the game! To see other ways Twelve Oaks Group can help you run your business more efficiently, check out our Web Services page.