Tagged with " google"

Top 6 Marketing Guidelines To Keep Your Small Business on the Road to Success
Every journey, you need a starting point to get to where you are going. Then you need an endpoint. The same premise applies to a small business. You need a good solid marketing plan to guide you on your road to success.

Inbox Efficiency: Gmail Tips & Tricks
Managing your inbox can be a daunting task to say the least, and at the end of the day, most of us resort to the search box. Efficiency is the name of the game! To see other ways Twelve Oaks Group can help you run your business more efficiently, check out our Web Services page.

Successful Ways to Track Topics on the Web
There are ways to track topics, did you know that? Read on as Twelve Oaks Group shares successful ways to track topics on the Web.

Why Small Businesses Need to Set Up Visitor Tracking for Their Websites
Is your website reaching your customers? Are your advertising dollars well spent? What's popular on your site, what's not? Website visitor tracking is the key!

Where is your business? Do you know?
When searching for a vendor to do business with, potential customers make “snap” judgements about your business based on what pops up about you on Google, Yahoo, Bing or some of the other search engines that are popular today.