Twelve Oaks Group Has 5 Incredible Opportunities Where Small Businesses Can Use QR Codes

May 25, 2012 by     No Comments    Posted under: Blog, Internet Marketing

The use of QR codes has its advantages. But first, before Twelve Oaks Group examines where small businesses can use QR codes, let’s first take a look at what QR codes are.

QR is short for Quick Response. They are a two-dimensional coding that is meant to be read with a special QR reader that will read the code — like your smartphone. Why not check your phone right now and see if your phone has an app for QR reading.

Quick Response

Once upon a time, the QR code was first used in the automotive industry. According to Wikipedia, “More recently, the system has become popular outside the industry due to its fast readability and large storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. The code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be made up of four standardized kinds…” But, I won’t bore you with the details of those kinds. Instead, let’s get into the 5 incredible opportunities where small businesses can use QR codes.

Social Media Platforms

According to Biznik, “There is a large variety of uses and potential uses for QR codes and social media:

• Links to maps
• Scavenger hunts
• Landing pages for customers/web traffic/blog readers
• Confirming that someone is actually at a specific event (a type of check-in)
• Business cards, labels, stickers, etc”

Business Cards

Your business cards are the second potent opportunity small businesses have for using QR codes. You can have a QR code included on your business card and use it to direct customers or clients to your business website or promotional offer.

Packaging Products

Here’s another idea for you. If you send packages to your customers, why not attach a QR code to the outside of the package and direct them to some of your online guides or presentations about using your product. Or, you can have the QR code direct the customer to a manual that will provide them with tips on how to use your product. Now Twelve Oaks Group thinks this is one incredible opportunity to drive sales.

Press Releases

Anytime you have an opportunity to use press releases to increase the visibility for your small business, you should definitely take advantage of them as press releases are an excellent technique to draw in traffic. Adding QR codes to your press release can be an added way to highlight your business even more, as well as making the press release more user friendly. All the reader would need to do would be to scan your QR code with your smartphone and immediately be taken to your website for more information.

Printed Advertisements

The last and 5th powerful opportunity where small businesses can increase your brand awareness is through the use of QR codes. Look around. More and more businesses are incorporating the use of QR codes on promotional products and marketing materials. Once the customer scans the QR code, they gain access to information on a business — your business. What could be better?

Twelve Oaks Group knows that small business needs every advantage in order to compete with not only their local competitors, but also the larger “big box” stores. Throughout this post, we’ve started you out with 5 incredible opportunities where small businesses can use QR codes. And, this is just the tip of the iceberg. As you go through your day, start looking at other ways other businesses have used QR codes. Or, if you need other web services, why not contact us at (731) 337- 4330. We have a wide variety.

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Pam Lokker is a master writer and proficient virtual assistant, as well as being Co-owner of Borlok Virtual Assistants.

In addition, Pam is Customer Service and Content Manager for the Twelve Oaks Group.

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