Why do you need a wedding website?

Apr 14, 2012 by     No Comments    Posted under: Blog

Getting married (some day)? Most of the weddings I’ve attended in the last few years had a least a basic wedding website with information on the couple, the location, etc.

Mashable has 7 great reasons you need a wedding website, including:

  • 5. It’s easy to stay in contact with your guests. Many wedding site templates offer guest book and RSVP sections. Ask guests to sign the book or enter their email addresses to be notified of site updates or changes. Then happily send one email instead of making 150 calls.
  • 6. You don’t have time to deal with 150 calls from 150 guests trying to figure out directions. The last thing you, your parents, or your Maid of Honor has time to deal with is an endlessly ringing cellphone from friends and relatives asking to clarify the location one more time.

If you or someone you know could use a wedding website, contact Twelve Oaks Group today (or call us (731) 337-4330)!



Nathan Reed is a spastic online entrepreneur. Since 1997, Nathan has developed online solutions for non-profits, small business, and local governments. Nathan is the owner and founder of the Twelve Oaks Group.

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